Summer Update from Eddie
Having a fun summer out with Dez Money and The Faze, consisting of Julian on drums, Jess kickin' it & sharing the vocals with me and Dez on rythm guitar and harmonies. They're playing tunes from his fantastic soon to be released CD, as well as my guys, Chris Grove on keyboards and Lee Beverly on bass and vocals. It's more or less a "Family Affair."
I'd like to take a minute and thank all the press , radio and TV personalities for being so gracious to my kids. As Jessica says "A family that plays together stays together."
We are all looking forward to the show this Saturday at the Coors Light Festival in good old Godfrey Illinois and then back to Detroit for a show the following Friday night for the Rockin' on the Riverfront Show.
The weather has been beautiful and you all should check EddieMoney.comand find out where me and the kids will be playing this summer ....
That's about it for now
Freddie Foodstamps
Aka. Eddie Money