Update From Eddie
You know there's something about Michigan in the winter. Very tranquil and pretty. The fans at Saginaw were up for a good show on Monday. Nice n toasty and sold out too. Playin with Rick Springfield is always fun and neither one of us disappointed the crowd that night.
Although, due to the weather, our bassist Lee got stuck on a snowy runway in Detroit n missed the show, but the rest of us were ready to rock and I have to tell you, I was very proud of Julian back there on the cans. He was courting a very pretty little lassie and was really showing off with his great endings.
Anyway, hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday and God Bless.
Off to Ute Mountain Casino near Towaoc. Pretty part of the country. Neat too because it is the 4 corners where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico meet. Pretty cool, huh?
I miss Laurie n the kids, but I'm happy to bring in the new year with some fantastic fans.
Everyone else .....
I guess and hope I see some of you, if not all of you soon.
Eddie $