A Note From Eddie, On His Birthday
Feeling pretty good, that I'm even still here. Huh
Cause I was "One Crazy Son of a Bitch" for years
Cake 'n ice cream today ....
I love it. Of course, my Dr. says I'm Prediabetic ...Geez, Who isn't ?
Excited about Putting out some new music this year....
That should be fun
And I'm also excited about The Pets for Vets campaign
Again, Lotta candles to blow out, but Laurie says I'm a "Wind Bag," and shouldn't have any problem. Ha ha So far, it's been a great birthday because I'm home, no airports, no room service ( they always forget something )... I'm cooking breaded pork chops, some dinner rolls, apple sauce, baked beans and a spinach salad 'n a can of cream corn, a cold glass of milk and my birthday cake for desert ...Of course, I got the sweetest kiss in the world from my beautiful wife this morning and none of the kids are flipping out or fighting ...( so far)
What a great birthday .....and thank you, everyone, for thinking of me
I do appreciate it so.......
Eddie $